Look at Me- On TV
Last week was a week of progress for local owned Graphically Deb. This video is a compilation of work using many apps and programs. Very short- very sweet- NEEDS a call to action, so it is kind of a fail.
This video is closer to what I want
The logo’s working (with the transparent background).
The colors align with the branding-YAY!
AND, there's now a YouTube channel linked to GD’s business email.
We can save and share to other Facebook pages, all social media, attach or embed into websites and emails for the growing subscriber list.
This video was even pushed a large screen TV via Roku and YouTube! Holy Smokes!
The point: Small businesses work hard to deliver products and services--beyond getting an item on the shelf for you. When you shop with your local product and service providers, they are in the trenches with you! Their value can be measured and your dollars are earned!
We can make a video for your business, event, or organization. We can help you find products that work for your investment—LONG after you give them away. Call or Email Today! 360-580-6127 or info@graphicallydeb.com and THERE IS THE CALL TO ACTION! Have a great week!